Emerald Coast Christian Homeschool Organization
A Homeschool cooperative
Spring 2025 Class Descriptions
(classes may be subject to change)
Hermit Crabs (ages 3-4) and Starfish (ages 5-6):
Marine Biology for Tots
We will study a new marine animal each week, reflecting on God’s creation and how He created each one for a certain purpose. We will explore how God commanded us to care for His creation and what that means as we work on a small art project that correlates with the lesson.
Active Learners
This class will feature spring-themed mini unit studies- every week is a new topic that relates to spring. We practice fine motor skills and learning through play with science experiments and crafts.
Music in Motion
Students will learn to enjoy music through movement and instrument exploration. We will explore the truth behind the lyrics of many Sunday School songs they may already know. We will also explore fun songs that require good listening skills to follow directions. We will conclude our class with free play outside.
Manatees (Ages 7-8) and Narwhals (9-11)
Wilderness Survival:
Do you have what it takes to survive in the wild? In this class, you'll learn basic wilderness survival skills such as what essential items to have with you like navigation, water purification, knot tying and so much more. You'll also walk away with basic wilderness first aid knowledge with an emphasis on recognizing and treating those hazards found in our environment right here in Florida!! There will even be some fun outdoor games that will sharpen your team building skills! Let's get ready to Go Wild!
Board Games
Bring your favorite board game to class and teach your friends to play or learn to play a new game every week. Expand your critical thinking and problem solving skills as you learn and/or teach new games, all while enjoying time to socialize with classmates.
In this class we are going to learn how scientists create categories for different living things. We will discover similarities and differences in the colorful world God has created.
Art Around the World
Travel around the world with us and get creative! In this class we will learn about different cultures, languages, traditions and the history of countries like Mexico, Germany and Australia. All while creating unique art concepts established by each country.
Nature Creations
Each class, students will actively engage with the natural world by recording their observations and experiences through writing, sketching, and painting. The second half of class will be dedicated to using creativity and craftsmanship as the students design their own fairy gardens.
Curiosity Lab
We will explore a different science or STEM type concept with experiments and other hands-on activities each week. From simple machines to chemistry concepts, students will learn how and why the experiments and activities work. Join us for this exciting, interactive class!
Whales (Ages 12-17)
Wilderness Survival:
Do you have what it takes to survive in the wild? In this class, you'll learn basic wilderness survival skills such as what essential items to have with you like navigation, water purification, knot tying and so much more. You'll also walk away with basic wilderness first aid knowledge with an emphasis on recognizing and treating those hazards found in our environment right here in Florida!! There will even be some fun outdoor games that will sharpen your team building skills! Let's get ready to Go Wild!
Board Games
Bring your favorite board game to class and teach your friends to play, or learn to play a new game every week. Expand your critical thinking and problem solving skills as you learn and/or teach new games, all while enjoying time to socialize with classmates.
Around the World in 9 Days
Come explore 9 different countries through hands-on art projects, language, food, music, games and activities. This class will cover 1st and 2nd hour, providing a unique immersive learning experience, covering geography, history, literature, and projects. Our final class will be a time of review and a student presentation.